11 tips to take care of your mental health

3 min read

Being mentally healthy doesn’t mean having a constant sense of well-being. Feeling stressed or exhausted is normal, especially when a difficult situation arises.

These 11 tips, however, can help you deal more easily with the ups and downs of everyday life.

1. Stay active

Activities that raise the heart rate can reduce fatigue and stress. They also improve overall mood and self-esteem. Ideally, move outside. In fact, studies show that being active outdoors – even a short walk – promotes a sense of well-being and vitality.

2. Relax

Practicing mindfulness, meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises lessens the physical effects of stress. The intention is not to avoid anxious thoughts, but to be aware of them and to welcome them in a healthy way. Studies have confirmed that increased self-awareness – aided by relaxation exercises – helps maintain mental health.

3. Limit media exposure

Overexposure to media (traditional and social media) as well as negative news can make our brains more anxious. Thus, it is preferable to limit the exposure time and to choose reliable sources. It is also possible to prioritize content that fits with our personal interests and gives us a feeling of well-being.

4. Help others and accept help from others (friends, families, colleagues)

Studies show that serving others boosts our mental health. Conversely, it is also very important to respect our own limits and to ask for help when we feel overwhelmed, worried or tired.

5. Reduce the use of stimulants, drugs and alcohol

During periods of great stress, it is common to increase the consumption of products that can “mask” the anxiety. However, at all times, it is best to avoid the overuse of drugs, alcohol and medication. Caffeine and psychostimulants can also exacerbate anxiety.

6. Get enough sleep

Several recent studies establish important links between health and sleep quality . Indeed, lack of sleep affects our ability to function well on a daily basis, impairs learning and concentration, in addition to influencing emotions.

7. Maintain a routine

Although it is essential to remain attentive to your needs, maintaining a routine can contribute positively to mental health, since it helps reduce mental fatigue.

8. Do activities that make us feel good

This can be to undertake personal projects or simply indulge in less demanding activities, more focused on relaxation (watching a movie, taking a bath, painting, cooking a new recipe, reading, etc.)

9. Do not isolate yourself

It is important to keep in touch with loved ones, whether through activities or through phone/video calls or text messages. If you feel lonely, you can sign up for activities offered by community centers near your home or do some volunteer work: this will allow you to develop friendly relationships.

10. Have a healthy diet

More and more studies are looking at the links between healthy eating and mental health. It has been suggested that eating fruits, vegetables and grains, as well as getting enough omega-3s, calcium and vitamin D, can contribute to good mental health. Healthy eating habits could even help prevent certain diseases like Alzheimer’s. Health professionals recommend drinking 2-3 liters of water a day.

11. Stay kind

We are currently experiencing, for more than a year, an exceptional situation. Stress and anxiety can manifest in many ways with varying degrees of intensity.

For more information, consult your pharmacist-owner affiliated with Accès pharma at Walmart. Available seven days a week, he can support you if you have concerns about your mental health or direct you to the appropriate resources.

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