Thonon diet: Lose 10 kilos in 14 days Free program

4 min read

It promises weight loss of up to 10 kg in just two weeks, followed by stabilization of the lost weight.

The thonon diet was created by one of the doctors at the University Hospital of Thonon-les-Bains with the aim of making certain patients lose weight quickly. This low-calorie diet, as draconian as it is effective, has been making waves ever since.

How does the tuna diet work?

The tuna diet is a high protein and low calorie diet. It is divided into two phases:

Phase 1 of the tuna diet

The first phase of the tuna diet is very restrictive. Food intake generally does not exceed 600 calories during this phase, which lasts 14 days. The method promises weight loss of up to 10 kg in just 14 days. The author of the method insists on the fact that the food program must be followed to the letter and that no deviation is allowed during these fourteen days.

Phase 2 stabilization

Phase 2 of the thonon diet is a stabilization phase. It must last 1 week per kilo lost during the first phase. Food is always low calorie since the daily energy intake does not exceed 1200 to 1500 calories.

How does the tuna diet lead to weight loss?

The tuna diet combines several factors leading to weight loss. First, it is a largely low-calorie diet that provides the body with less than it needs to function on a day-to-day basis. This so-called negative energy balance pushes the body to draw on its reserves and therefore induces weight loss.

Then it is a high protein and low carbohydrate diet. Normally, the body preferentially uses carbohydrates (stored in the form of glycogen) to provide it with the energy it needs on a daily basis. By drastically reducing the amount of carbohydrates ingested, we then push him to draw on his reserves and use other ways of producing energy. In addition, the very low lipid intake still pushes the body to draw a little more from its fat reserves.

Finally, this diet only allows the consumption of lean proteins and green vegetables in its first phase. the elimination of all sugary, industrial and fatty foods necessarily facilitate weight loss

The tuna diet is strictly not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. In addition, due to its very restrictive nature and its high intake of animal protein, this diet is strongly contraindicated in people with kidney or cardiovascular pathologies. The minimal intake of essential lipids and micronutrients can lead to serious deficiencies in the medium term. These can result in an absence of menstruation in women, transit disorders, intense fatigue, kidney fatigue, headaches, etc. This type of diet can have serious consequences on the body.

Is this a diet for you?

Whatever your situation and unless medical advice to the contrary, it is not recommended to consider this type of food program. If you want to lose weight, consult a nutrition specialist and instead consider a suitable, balanced diet combined with regular physical exercise.

Are tuna diet and sport compatible?

The thonon diet does not mention physical activity in its program. Given the low food intake during the first two weeks, it is difficult to recommend maintaining regular physical activity without medical supervision.

How not to regain weight?

Even though the program promises long-lasting, yo-yo-free weight loss, it seems hard to believe. With a diet of 600 calories then 1200 calories daily, weight regain seems inevitable as soon as a standard diet is reintroduced. In order not to regain weight, it would be necessary to maintain a very low energy intake over the long term. Which is obviously not recommended for obvious health reasons.

Where can I find before/after testimonials?

To find testimonials before / after, we recommend that you consult the website and the official forum of the thonon method.

Tuna diet: opinion of the dietician

The daily energy intake recommended by the thonon diet is far too low. In addition, the high consumption of protein at the expense of foods rich in quality fats, fibers and micronutrients represents a danger for long-term health. Indeed, nervous fatigue, weakening of the kidneys, endangerment of the cardiovascular system and disturbances of the hormonal system are the risks of such a diet. The thonon diet does not promote healthy eating habits combining nutritional quality and the practice of regular physical activity. It is therefore inevitable, as soon as you stop the diet, to regain the weight that will have been lost with difficulty. I absolutely do not recommend this diet to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way.

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